See Life Differently

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Wealth & Poverty

The poor know what the rich are often blind to: Money does not alleviate poverty.When a man promises to help and does not, you will know that you have met a person of poverty. His trappings seemed like he was rich and powerful, but make no mistake, he is poorer than you.Another attribute is the...

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The Supernatural & You

How often have you heard others or yourself explain things by stating “Oh? That’s only natural”?Indeed, the record of human history is surely little else than the record of mans attempt to overcome what was natural?We are born into the ‘natural’ plane. Our senses, our desires and our...

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This Doesn’t Apply To You

Our choice is to respond or react. The one perhaps is the way to success and the other to the lack of it.Is there another choice?The antecedents of our management models have been the factories. The fundamental design of that management model was...

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Yesterdays Success was my Life?

Yesterdays success was my life ?Up gradation is a continual process. Regardless of what I possess and what I use, the world upgrades its software & tools relentlessly.I either catch up or get left behind. Success, in that sense, is...

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The Mirror & You

Is your Leadership blind? Are you seeing?We are all coaches. In some form or the other. As Professionals our work is described as aligning the work force to the purposes of the enterprise. ‘Coaching’ the organisation to serve the purposes of the enterprise.Businesses have used many different...

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Pretense & Purpose

Have you noticed that there are people of purpose and people of pretense?What I’ve noticed is that people seek out people who can in some way partner them, and assist in the completion of their purpose. They are continually in the hunt for catalysts who will enable them to achieve their...

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Love and Lust – The Deluded You

Man is designed for both these things:1) To seek the good of self.2) To seek the good of another.The environment we are living in is designed thus, that when we seek good of self we do it by using another.Somebody/something else, is...