See Life Differently

Fusce vel mi eget

7 Ways To Know Yourself

The most absurd thing I have discovered is that an overwhelming number of people hate themselves.They actually make the choices and do the things that cause them harm.I’ve identified the following as characteristics of those who love versus those who...

Fusce vel mi eget

Love – A Necessary Management Tool

Love is a very necessary Management tool.It is often easier for us to build a relationship with a stranger than it is for us to do so with a brother or a sister, simply because the ‘new person in our life’ is usually more...

Fusce vel mi eget

Finding Yourself

A definition of success I’d like to present is this: Success is using reason and faith to overcome what is natural.The primary difference between man and all other animal has been mans ability to deal with, and overcome what is “Natural”.While our need to breathe, drink and eat amongst other...

Fusce vel mi eget

Answers Are The Problem

The answers we provide ourselves are almost always right. This causes big problems. If we were wrong we would be willing to change, but who in his right mind would change what is right?Also, if our answers are externalized what can we do about it? If the...

Fusce vel mi eget

Managing Success

(7 lessons we’d love to teach our spouses, team members and children)From the moment we are conceived we teach.We teach the world around us through our smiles and our tears, our fussing and our gurgling, a billion different things.We were not conscious of what we taught our mothers as they...

Fusce vel mi eget

Choice Secrets

Two things govern all mankind from the poorest to the richest: Faith & Education.We simply cannot escape it.What we believe and what we learn dictates our reality. We are subject to Universal Law to pre-configured formulas. Each of us has the freedom, to simply thrash about in the water or...

Fusce vel mi eget

Sieves Of Success

How we speak, respond, or how we represent ourselves receives perhaps the most recurring criticism.Oddly enough people who need us at work, or closest to us at home, are the ones who usually make this demand repeatedly.Strangers bear up.What perhaps is actually being said though, without our...

Fusce vel mi eget

Getting What’s Owed To You

The only thing worse than a life without conviction is the life of deluded conviction.Depending on a person who insists that s/he has to change you before s/he can do something (anything) is like drinking mercury to satisfy your thirst.Enough...

Fusce vel mi eget

The Power Of Being Wrong

Most people think that they’re as nice as they’re ever going to be; that they’re as good as they ever need to be.We didn’t really decide on our aspirational inner person.We truly believe we’re already perfectly normal.We are seduced by a need...