See Life Differently

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Don't waste pain

All of us suffer. The difference is that we can suffer pointlessly, or we can suffer productively. Pointless suffering primarily comes from 1.    A desire to control others and manipulate outcomes. 2.    Valuing yesterday over tomorrow. 3.   ...

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Under Training

Today  is my Tenth Anniversary as an Independent Commercial Coach. It’s been a while since I wrote and sharing something today seemed like a good way to celebrate this day. For some of you this may not be a new learning but could serve as a reminder, or even a confirmation.Most of us find...

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Every family has a flaw

Control. Pride. Vanity.This is how the “power, passion and personalities” manifest in relationships and families.It’s in every family - yours too.In normal families we can get away without needing to have daily interactions , or, rarely if ever,...

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You & Your Family

People who make suggestions that do not trouble themselves, but needs others to act, respond, or change, are deluded in believing that they are adding value or helping in any way.Its only a lazy method of convincing self that “I did something”Everybody has some money. Even the beggar has a few...

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My Wife: The Inadvertant Coach

My wife has been my inadvertent Coach, in that she is not always conscious of the impact she is having on my learning curve.Of course having successfully established myself as a Coach many years ago, she does take full credit for any...

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10 Tips – Working from Home.

I've been working from home for the last 9 years, following Marshall Goldsmith's advice for Coaches to function with zero overheads.These are a few tips that may be useful to those who are finding the new need to work from home during the...

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Better to seem Atheist

I do not say that this and only this exists, but only that this atleast must exist.I am offering a way of distinguishing between sensible meaning making and insensisble meaning making. Man is gifted with the power to elucidate meaning and we must know what makes a useful interpretation of anything...

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Making Good Of Corona Prevention

Man has corrupted software.The corruption manifests itself in different ways amongst individuals.One of the typical ways is that:When a person is pointed out his/her wrong, he or she responds with anger instead of acknowledging the...

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Are You True To Self?

Often in our desire to be authentic we access the negative side of ourselves.Then we are not really being mean or unkind, we are simply being authentic.Being authentic, most often, translates to “responding to life in the way I feel currently”‘I don’t feel like’ is more than sufficient...