See Life Differently

Fusce vel mi eget

Are you your natural self?

A wolf never pretends to be a sheep, nor do doves project the image of a hawk.Why then do we clothe our lusts with love, and our fears with aggressiveness? Is this our nature? Is this our natural selves?What is our nature? Are we simply the most...

Fusce vel mi eget

Healing Hurts and Professionalism

What did I do to deserve this response?Very often, we dislike or get offended by someone’s behaviour towards us. Their responses seem unwarranted and we find ourselves compelled either, to simply swallow this show of crassness or to...

Fusce vel mi eget

Basics For The Modern Man

Ten things many of us know, but somehow eludes others:1) God is Love. We are not alone. God is in each one of us.2) S/He who loves is godly. S/He who does not love is not godly.3) True religion is going out of your way to help someone, and spending...

Fusce vel mi eget

Business Or Individual First?

As Family Businesses grow and succeed, the problems the owner family deals with evolve and change.The usual cycle is to start with practical problems and then gradually (parallel to their levels of financial success), these tend to evolve...

Fusce vel mi eget

Your Visa To Relevance

Are you still tied up in the shabby knots of your upbringing?It is terrible to see people stagnate in the wisdom of their formative years. It is sad to see them stuck in the goodness of knowledge and expectations that were applicable in their adolescence, and are obsolete in their prime.Mothers...

Fusce vel mi eget

What have you willed?

Today -1st November- is the 5th Anniversary of “The You Tomorrow”…my journey as a Coach and Family Business Facilitator.I’ve learnt that what makes a great family does not make a great team, but what makes a great person always makes a great leader.Great families have great leaders, and...

Fusce vel mi eget

We already have faith. We need reason

Salvation is argued and fought about world over. Why does one need to be saved?The drowning man screams for help. The beggar pleads for help. The sick cry out…why is salvation though, something that seems to be forced on...

Fusce vel mi eget

Are You Being Had?

Are you happy?Most people respond “Under the circumstances, yes.”The real circumstance that most of us live under though, is that we are being had.Our growing up, from infancy to adult hood, is really the story of our liberation from that which ‘had’ us, to us now ‘having’ it.Babies for...

Fusce vel mi eget

Tricycles or Ferrari?

Parents don’t know how to parent. This is the first problem that all leaders will have: they are where they are currently in spite of their childhood and rarely because of it.It doesn’t matter whether you are a CEO, big boss, manager, housewife or professional. Your skills may be new but the...